
Thursday, January 19, 2017

Prone To Wander

Prone To Wander...that is such a beautiful way to recognize the wandering hearts and minds of humanity isn't it.  When I hear those words, I don't just recognize my own wandering heart, it stirs an ache inside of me, knowing just how true those words are in my own life.

prone to wander
Lord I feel it
prone to leave
the God I love

This is why I chose to title the blog Prone To Wander, because it is true for me, it is true for us.  I want so many things for my life, and this phrase is a reminder how easily I can wander from God's will for my life.  It is a reminder of the fact that I am not enough.  A reminder of my need for Him.

I don't know for sure yet what I want this blog to be,  other than I want it to be a place where I can record my thoughts.  I have had a blog for many years, since I was in college, but that space didn't feel like me anymore.  So much change has occurred in my life since that time, I felt that I wanted a space to reflect that.  I love being able to have a space where I can look back and see what I was thinking years ago, it reminds me of who I was and how I can learn from that to become better.  It is also a way to record memories, I can look back and not only see memories from an event, but also my thoughts and feelings on it at the time.  I love that.  So I knew I wanted to continue doing that in some way.

I guess since this is a new space I should introduce myself, on the possibility that someone out there reading this doesn't know who I am. My name is Kayla Heffner.  I am 26 and I live in a small town in Ohio near Huntington, WV.  I work with a nonprofit, and I also have my own business.  I teach craft classes to women from the community and help them to make things, then I help them sell them, providing income to women who can rarely get jobs, and also building community.  Most of my time is spent at the nonprofit, spending time with my family there.

Right off the bat, I want to say as well that this blog is not the thoughts of some perfect Christian.  I am a pretty broken human being.  I have done things I regret, and there are so many times that I find myself wandering from who I am called to be...but I am learning.  This blog is the space of a believer who is in transit, who has yet to arrive.  I suppose we are all believers in transit,  everyone walking through life doing the best they can until we are called home.  I want to surround myself with people who are striving to make this life the best it can be.  Who are loving God, and loving the people around them.  This space will never be anything other than that.  I invite you to walk through this life with me.  Hopefully we all can learn something along the way, and together, we can all walk closer to Christ.

I look forward to walking this road with you.  Thanks for stopping by my friends.

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